Universally: In All Systems Created By Nature Or By Man, Are Encapsulated Therein, The Seeds For Those Systems Destruction

Systems [Seeds] contain elements of Apoptosis as facilitators of CHANGE [a Universal Rule]. Apoptosis occurs and hopefully, brings improvements for the viability of Systems aforementioned; however, sometimes not.

When political leaders fight against their populations, as has been happening against Coronavirus CV19 movement restrictions, Seeds of entropy occurs (every time). Leaders of large countries should be wise enough to not try to put blinders on their sheep. The bleating of the herd, in protest, may attract the wolves, who may decide to attack the shepherds [with the blinders they are holding in their hands]; rather than attack the herd. Such events as public parades calm the aggravated sheep by letting the orally ‘vent’.

Another example of ineptness in thought and commission are, what we think are draconian measures: Requiring Pilots and Crews to be inoculated with non-fully-tested synthetic vaccines. Seeds: Now, there are pilot protests. Will there be enough airline ‘executives’ available to fly passengers and freight everywhere? We think not.

Historically, ‘airline executives’ have NOT DEMANDED Environmental Control Systems in the aircraft they buy from the airframes, hopefully to kill as much as 99.999+/- of the bacteria, fungi, and viruses on-board the aircraft. Air filtration systems and UVC lighting systems that kill the aforementioned have been available for decades! Since these would add cost to each aircraft, even though negligible weight, the health of the passengers was a ‘non-item’. They have ‘sat on their own hands’ for DECADES and demanded NOTHING as to aircraft hygiene. They HAVE for decades, DEMANDED MORE SEATS IN EACH AND EVERY AIRCRAFT THEY PURCHASED; MORE SEATS-MORE WEIGHT. Now, these ‘airline executives’ take the ‘Cheap Route’ and say: ‘Inoculate All of our Employees [If they like it or not.] They do NOT LIKE IT. Seeds of discord are present that can ruin the profitability of the airlines. The “Golden Parachutes” awarded to the ‘airline executives’ may be made of paper mache. They shall see, what they shall see.

In cities around the world VITAL Fire and Police personnel are being given the same directive to: “Inoculate or Quit your Jobs”. How Draconian does it get! Trained personnel are very hard to find. If they leave, security collapses due to the Seeds sown by City, State, and Federal officials making such demands.

In America, the Seeds of discord have been strewn by the Selected President and his Masters; this, to open the southern border to NON-CV19 TESTED immigrants [who may also have a myriad of other communicable diseases] and have strewn them about the entire country! Are the American Sheep to think all those bleating ‘ewes’ contain no Wolves in disguise? Who PROPERLY vetted them? They jeopardize a great country, by not following the rules other applicants are obeying. What country, in the world, has opened its borders to communicable disease passing immigrants, thereby endangering its own citizenry with CV19?

The same Selected President, obviously by order of his Masters, gave $83+/- Billions of dollars of military equipment to America’s ‘enemy’. Now the Seeds of terrorism will be strewn around the globe to ‘energized’ morale-wise, fighters. We anticipate DECADES of unrest world-wide from the Gentleman’s action; sad, but true.

Currently, around the world, the sales of illicit narcotics is at a very high level. Rather than engaged in the agricultural aspects of farming poppies and thereafter engaging in processing; now, chemical manufacturing is occurring steadfast. The ‘Seeds’ of countries’ destruction come from young “Johnnies and Joanies” becoming addicts [‘cooking their brains’ with chemicals that should not be within their craniums]. We ask: “Which groups have ever reported, with verification, that they were forced by any drug cartel to become drug addicts?” Instead, we read daily about ‘Innocent and Sweet Children’ becoming ‘Junkies’ [who commit robberies and the like to support their habits]. We, as International Businessmen, think: “Enough pity for those who have been pre-warned in early life as to the hazards of illicit drugs; but ‘KNEW they would not become addicted’. Fools are, as Fools do. STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOUR CHILDREN DEVIANT BEHAVIORS!

Since there will be no manufacturers, nor producers of products of which there is no demand, why have many countries become so prolific with their illicit products? The demand, typically precedes investments of money and time into production. Perhaps political leaders in countries should do much more to attenuate demand. Of course, many are quietly prospering from their gains. It is nor surprising to us that in America, State by State are liberalizing drug consumption; ‘Anything For A Buck’ for the States’ political leaders that go that way. More Seeds of destruction. Do not keep blaming the Cartels SOLELY, when they are NOT operating in a vacuum. They have ‘facilitators’ at at all levels of commerce, legal, and political. These ‘others; are just as guilty and to be, we think, even scorned for their ‘legal-fronts of civility and innocence’ than any cartel members [who admit what they do].

Reality: One does not need to hear the ‘hiss’ close-up of Rattle Snakes; one only needs to keep one’s eyes open for them [in advance] to be safe.

Reference: https://en.mercopress.com/2021/10/12/cuban-authorities-say-no-to-peaceful-demonstrations

Our Observation: “As A Ship Is No Better Than Its Crew, A Crew Is No Better Than Its Captain”; So It Goes For Vessels, Nations, And Businesses

We, in International Business, for a number of decades have witnessed, what we consider very poor leadership in many ‘Arenas’ by those who had been selected to lead. The adage: “God only made one Winston Churchill” is very applicable to many nations of the world today, unfortunately. As an example: It seems, as to politicians, once in office, for many, their country Treasury is their personal ‘Piggy Bank’; for them to use as they choose. So, they benefit family members and friends profusely, while their citizens ‘pay the tab’. A iteration of this situation has, and is taking place in America. It seems the son of the Selected President had, and is, using his birth connections to his father, for personal gain from foreign business interests [who desire entree into the White House in Washington, D.C.]; so it goes.

A deviation of the ‘Captain’ role, with politicians, are those seeking access to ‘ship navigators’. By having family members, to those in the House of Representatives and Senate, knowing which direction the ‘ship’ will be sailing, the information is passed along to husbands, et al for investment purposes. As we had mentioned in previous writings, those making roughly $200,000.00+ per year, and accumulate $100,000,000.00+/- before leaving office, are suspect. “Financial Acumen Extraordinaire” by family members, their Political Party ‘Germalists’ will assure the public: “There is nothing crooked with this play.” Sure.

The problem with ‘Miscreant Mediocre Minds’ enacting laws for countries, is the un-affordable accumulation of debt which can rise into many trillions of dollars over a couple of decades; so it has gone this way in America [$28,000,000,000,000.00+ to date], as an example of what we write.

Going past this ‘Greed for Self’ on a smaller level, as to them, was the gargantuan “Governatorship Scheme” contrived by a former U.S. President [‘Captain’] and his wife [‘First Officer’]. It was the conjunction of the power of the U.S. [perhaps to be duped: Members of Congress, several other U.S. Presidents, and Intelligence Agencies] with a number of cabalistic foreign leaders to aid and abet. Fortunately, ‘Fate’ has provided interstitial reinforcements to stop the cracking of the ‘big egg’ [for now].

In business, we often see ‘Captains’ of their corporations, not being innovators, but followers of the ‘business fleet’ of mere ‘dhows’; this to ‘groundings of their ‘vessels’. A unseemly, and unfortunately set of disasters occurred with a major American airframe deciding to have excellent ‘Apple I-Pads’ be the IT pilot training mechanisms for its ‘new’ aircraft, rather than flight simulators! The ‘ship hit the reef and sunk with this stupidity’ some sea-goers might opine. Obviously, ‘mental sea-sickness’ of the airframe’s administrators, allowed this to occur.

In Public Health, there are MANY Captains of ships. Yet, it appears, they were ALL sailing into ’10 meter fog’ with their transmissometers turned off [as to the Coronavirus CV19 threat which was ahead]. To immunologists and virologists nothing more important than ‘1000 meter fog’ lie ahead [if even that]. Without belaboring the point, we have previously written our thoughts about the published opinions of the “Medical Experts” who never saw pandemic awaiting the entire world [Such a embarrassment to those with integrity].

Perhaps the world needs to pay attention to the ‘Ship Captains of the past’ who sailed or caravaned from the Atlantic Ocean, to the Pacific Ocean and back again, over a period of about 500 years. Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, India, and China were their territories: The “Radhanim”. They were multi-lingual, vastly knowledgeable of their traded goods, amenable to the ideas of others cultures, and business practices, and perhaps wisest of all: ALWAYS TRIED TO LOOK BEYOND THE HORIZON for coming obstacles and opportunities [it has been written]. “Radhanim” acted as intermediaries for social communications and business negotiations. ‘Ship Captains’ they obviously were! They went east further than Seleucus I Nicator, not through the use of force, but by being tactful; Silk is smooth.

Reality: Being too cocksure of its abilities, can put even the wiliest of creatures into a snare.

Leadership 101: In Business, As In Economics And Politics, Make Sure Your Ladder Is Higher Than The Hole You Are Digging

In America, we see the situation being: A President who was ‘Selected’, not ‘Elected’, must now try to deal with other World Leaders, who lead and will challenge him in all arenas: Economic, Geo-Political, Military, and Social. The problem for this gentleman’s acolytes, who got him ‘installed’ in office: They have energized other countries, who KNOW the career politician, to challenge America in all of its ‘Chess Moves’. Since these other countries are far less indebted financially than the U.S. [with its current indebtedness to others being $27,752,835,868,445.00+], it is essentially ‘handcuffed’ due to catastrophically poor decisions by prior U.S. Presidents. The acolytes of which we speak: primarily ‘Silicon Valley’ nabobs who thought they could act as Satrips in their fiefdoms. Instead, this professional politician who was selected by them, and whom they provided communication, financial, and “other” support, is perhaps awakening [or are his minions recruited directly from a previous President’s entourage]. This epiphany is that the ‘White House’ is hampered by: A ‘Mount Everest’ of debt; ‘Socialists’ demands for federal largesse; Awareness by other nations’ Leaders of mental acuity restraints ‘perhaps’ due to the U.S. leader’s age; Pentagon hegemonic aspirations as credible as holograms; Technology leadership squandered over past decades; and rampant illegal drug usage in the Pandemic.

Since we, in International Business, both hear and see of others, in many countries, views that ‘Monopolistic Command’ of the world is NOT the reality for America [a hegemonic nation standing on financial quicksand]. Instead, many other nations have ‘stepped up to the plate’ and are hitting ‘Home Runs’. For example, in space, China’s recent landing of its Mar’s exploratory vehicle, as well as its darkside of the Moon explorer are worthy of praise. India’s Mars atmospheric explorer is worthy of note.

In the military technology field, the Russians have apparently ideated, engineered, and are now producing hostile military aircraft detection systems that make ‘stealth’ aircraft, non-stealthy. The billions of dollars spent by the Americans are of short term benefit now as to this aspect of ‘stealth’. Additionally, Russian submarines are noted to be “Black Holes” as to their lack of detection by the U.S. and other nations.

In the areas of medicine, we know now that the U.S. Center For Disease Control and other associated government entities: Did not see Coronavirus over the horizon; Did NOT know when it arrived; their ”Experts” did not understand its aspects; the decisions by political leaders, for control were so inept that pandemic deaths were the result of poor analysis of CV19 capabilities; Shut-down of America cost billions of dollars; Steadfast rejection of anthropogenesis of CV19 appears to be diminishing by some Medical Professionals. It took Turkish citizens, presently residing in Germany to lead the way in creating a vaccine to help control or eliminate CV19. This was being done while the Russians were quickly creating their own vaccines. “Genius, is where one finds it.”

We think the Internet, which allows for immediacy in world communications for the masses, will ‘level the playing field’ and allow other nations to be creative and to disseminate their ideas and products quickly. This dispersal of creations can only help people to prosper everywhere. At the same time, it means ‘Singularity for World Control’ is a hologram that can quickly have its ‘Green Energy’ power source turned off by others. A historically hegemonic country, such a America, can no longer readily claim, and have the public believe ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ scenarios strewn out by a corrupt Mass Media, controlled by one political party.

As the American Mass Media, acted as a mere political party disinformation wing, in getting a man installed in the White House, its ‘ladder’ is shorter than the hole it has dug for itself. U.S. Citizens are becoming increasingly aware, as our foreign friends have already known: “Germalists” who work in subterfuge will learn “There are NO long term secrets.” The lies one put in print or over the airwaves, will be understood to be lies, nothing more. In engaging in such tripe, the “Germalists” are to be respected less than a Trollop with Venereal Disease, yet still selling services.

Political leaders shut down many businesses across America and elsewhere. After many months of indecisive thinking they came up with CV19 ‘solutions: “Stay two meters away from the people near you; wear a face mask so you do not ‘spew virions of CV19; have plexiglass dividers separating customers from workers in casinos, markets, et al; wash your hands thoroughly; this even after vaccines are created and injected in people”. WOW! This at costs to nations of multi-billions of dollars? We hope such leaders have access to high ladders for the deep holes they dug; especially when the true financial costs of the ‘shut downs’ are realized by the public.

Reality: “Integrity” is something One of Principles lives, not something that he or she drinks.

At Times, “Green” Energy Becomes Effete, Inert, And “Snow White”

For decades, as a manufacturer of “Mega-Temp™ Aircraft Insulation“, we have seen the obvious frailties of 1930’s designed and manufactured insulation systems offered around the world. The fact that those aged products DO NOT INSULATE in extremes of climate variations of icy weather, or very hot weather seems to be disregarded. This, by “Building Departments” at Local, Provincial [State], and/or Federal Government levels around the globe. The yearly costs to all levels of governments are profound. Energy requirements to cool or heat airports, commercial or government buildings, homes, schools, shopping centers, warehouse, et al is money being spent needlessly. If the aforementioned structures are PROPERLY insulated, id est: Attics, Ceilings, Ducting, Elevator Shafts, Floors, Piping, Stairwells, and Walls, then “Cocoons of Protection” are in place; ergo, minimal energy is required to achieve enjoyable temperatures therein [thus, saving money]. This is “Basic Thermal Control” [and Good Economics], not “Rocket Science”.

Presently, in America’s State of Texas, FROZEN WINDMILL FARMS, due to Icy Weather, have essentially ‘castrated’ power production of their widely-extolled “Green Energy” mileau. As this would NOT HAPPEN with Coal, Hydro-Electric, or Oil Generated Systems, many people are suffering while a Covid 19 pandemic ensues. Perhaps some, living elsewhere, will merely dismiss the discomfort of Texans as being ‘transitory’ [ a ‘minor inconvenience’]; their expecting the weather to improve in a few days for the Texans?

As we have seen, as International Businessmen, there are a few ‘Real Leaders’ who find transitional, unreliable, energy solutions UNACCEPTABLE for their populations [Aircraft and Ship Crews and Passengers, Workers, and Citizens]. A available cost-effective ‘Acoustic and Thermal Technology’, as “Mega-Temp Insulation” may be quickly installed on a permanent basis. This should activate “Leaders with Integrity” to reduce energy consumption needs in their jurisdictions as well as for the comfort and safety of others.

There are no present substitutes for RELIABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION. We think that to blame the current “Climate Change” [formerly marketed as ‘Global Warming’ (until that term became less fashionable)] massively on anthropogenic causes is foolhardy. The planet Earth is not a ‘Singularity In A Impenetrable Bubble’. It is a scintilla of matter in a great universe of “Rotational Energy”. The weather is dynamic, change in it [great cold and great heat] will keep occurring long after man is gone. Radiative loads from many cosmic sources had, have, and will affect weather on ‘Gaia’. “Isolated Physical Masses”, unaffected by anything in the Cosmos, are mere holograms to be entertained by Sheep.

Reality: If one wants to create a product that works, even a ‘Windmill’, he or she had better understand all causations that may affect the design and its performance; this, to overcome those negativities, prior to mass production.

Reference: https://nationalfile.com/global-warming-frigid-weather-cripples-green-wind-farms-in-texas-causing-statewide-power-outages/

The 21st Century’s Version Of Idolizing, And Never Besmirching, ‘Sacred Statues’, Is Alive And Well Today.

October, 2020: The present iteration of “International Journalists” {IJ’s} who have become “Germalists”, protect the “Buy-Thems” (BT’s) [a nefarious group, who engage in business in many countries of the world]; This, by IJ’s burying BT’s ‘Dirty Laundry’ into a swamp of ‘Quick Sand’. To wit: “See, the vile of which you mention, Computer Data, Photographs, et al, are nowhere to be found. You must be mistaken; and it is not newsworthy anyway.”

We, as International Businessmen, have maintained for many years: “There are no long-term secrets.” For example, many years ago, during the installation of Mega-temp Aircraft Insulation into a ‘Bird’ [owned by a member of one of the most prestigious families in the world] there was a discussion. A ‘local politician’ in the area was being mentioned by the Aircraft Powerplant mechanics. They referred to him as “’Coker Joe’, the man who has never turned down ‘a free line’ to snort”. We, decades later, while watching current international politicians, have hypothesized who this gentleman is, based on both his choice of ‘intoxication to enjoy’ and  the well-reported ‘drug inducements’ of his family members.

We can well understand how Organized Crime would love to have “Coker Joe” lead his country, if he would win an election to be held in the country. The earnest ‘businessmen’ of the Illicit Drug Community’{IDC} would have his particular “Junk” demanding country’s population, lined up to buy all they could produce. International chemical makers of precursor chemicals would need to buy even more equipment, and perhaps facilities for manufacture. Poppy growers in Afghanistan, and elsewhere, would celebrate. Politicians and Law Enforcement Officials [LEO’s], in both “Coker Joe’s” country, who have been getting bribed for many decades, by the IDC, as well as politicians and LEO’s elsewhere, would rejoice.

The “Germalists” of the world, have been aware for decades: The ‘illicit drug consumption’ of “Coker Joe”; The bribes he has taken while as an effete politician [A guy has to make money somehow (?)]; Pedophilic tendencies; And, his “Go-to-War” penchant, they shielded both he and his family for years. We must ask: “Which Corporations, Foreign Intelligence Agencies, International Special-Interest Cabals, and/or Organized Crime Groups pay you all, to cover for this family?” We certainly understand that ‘Non-Elected Bureaucrats’ in “Coker Joe’s” country want him to lead it. He would allow their corruption to continue. The Military-Industrial-Complex there, would want him, for monies to be made by it; the military would want wars, so there would be promotions available [“They do not give out many ‘Star’ ranks in peacetime”]. “War is good for business” [The BT’s, understand this principle].

It is our thought that a “Free Press”, while being free from Governments’ constricture, also must be ‘free’ of ‘private financial influence’: No ‘gifts’ of: money, narcotics, sex, or anything else. A “Free Press” is a ‘joke’ if it is contaminated with ‘Germalists’ [who have become ‘Presstitutes’]; they, seeking their gifts from their ‘handlers’ for the oral or written lies disseminated. It is our analyses that country-to-country, the ‘Feared Governments Dictates’, writers love to ‘put to the pen with complaints’, are in many cases mere holograms. Much more common are Non-Governmental Organizations’[NGO’s] influences by their ‘Pimps’ to the Germalists’. Then, when this occurs,  government Leaders, must lead; they should show their citizens ‘Truths’, so they are not influenced by the NGO’s, who are ‘outsiders with vested interests’.

Reality: One can only bury so much garbage into a hole, until it fills up. Its stench will ultimately be broadcast, by the winds, far and wide.

Tuesday, 3 November, 2020, American Election: As International Businessmen, We Present Our Analyses, For Those Prudent: Where The Future Winners Will Be, And Advise Where, And When, Others Should Discard ‘Losing Cards In Their Hands’.

The coming, election in America, will offer some Industries,  Investors, and even Countries, Improved Benefits and Profits, thereafter.  Current Investors and some other Countries may find: “The Future May Not Bode Well”; As to those Industries and locations where monies are presently committed, adjustments will be needed.

For our Subscribers, gain from our analyses of businesses, countries, and industries that will be moving ahead in 2021; this due to results of the coming election. We foresee the ‘shackles’ of many decades of ‘Special Interest Groups’ conniving [lead by the Puppet Masters’ Masters] being removed. That constant economic burden to America, being made effete, will provide opportunities for growth, seldom seen. As to other industries, that have historically prospered due to the ‘graft’, one may want to ‘Short their stocks’.

Reality: Beyond the horizon, many changes await, for America. A word to the Wise is sufficient.

The Virus Of “Arrogance” Can Be As Deadly As The ‘Natural Diseases’ Created By Mother Nature

As we look at the various decisions made by various Business, Intelligence, Government, and Political leaders, we cannot but recognize the dire consequences which have occurred; this by their arrogance of the inviolability of their ideations. There are a number of examples available; these which caused loss of life to innocent people.

One Business, a Airframe manufacture, its arrogant executives ‘bought off’ on the idea: Pilots of various airlines could and would learn how to fly a ‘re-vamped’ model of a aircraft; this, not by using expensive “Flight Simulators” but by using “Apple I-Phones” with a pertinent ‘App’! While we both applaud, and we all use the excellent “Apple” products, we think it was absolutely ludicrous to go ‘down this runway’ for Pilot Education and Training. The consequences of the “Let us gain even more profit by NOT purchasing Flight Simulators, but use ‘Apple I-Pads'” were the deaths of innocent crew members and passengers on two aircraft. We find it most interesting that, to date, NO government pronouncements of “Criminal Culpability” and prosecution on these inept ‘Executives’ have been made as to these travesties. Instead, the head of the company merely stated his angst over these deaths.

A far greater cause of both massive deaths, as well as a Nation’s destruction physically, was the opinion by the head of a Intelligence Agency; this, that Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein, possessed “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. The Director of the Agency reportedly stated: “It was a ‘Slam Dunk’ that Saddam had such weaponry”! As a result, Governments‘ leaders arrogantly decided to devastate not just Saddam Hussein, and his sons Ouday and Qusay, but also the country of Iraq! The fact that Saddam’s Mistress, who was a intelligence source to the Intelligence Agency at the time, had allegedly told it: ‘Saddam was fearful of the unreliability of such weapons and distrusted them’! We also, understand that for certain individuals, who were and are currently part of the “Governatorship Cabal”: ‘Strong-man’ Saddam was a impeding force, that was to be removed; along with other area strongmen. However, we are of the opinion that hegemonic desires to destroy a country, its people, and culture, to: “Get Rid Of Three People”, is a Crime Against Humanity.

Political leaders have negligently caused the deaths of people as to the current CV 19 pandemic. We think they have done this with their arrogance of thinking how they ‘know’ how to eliminate the virus from infection of their citizens. Many acted through shut-downs of businesses and restrictions on mobility in cities. The economically ruined business owners and investors have allegedly had heart attacks, strokes, et al, resulting in their eventual deaths, and some have committed suicide. Citizens, such as many in New York City, have ‘self-destructed’ due to confinements mandated by Government authorities. Unfortunately, the citizens did NOT gain “CV19” immunity through their isolation.

The ‘Human Frailty’ of arrogance needs to be curtailed. Leaders need to know their positions in their careers, do not bestow on them omnipotence and omniscience; in fact, unless they are Founders of their organizations, they are immediately replaceable. Most have merely risen to the top by acceding to the wishes of their superiors. They are NOT innovators; they are merely ‘cogs in a wheel’. We, as International Businessmen, see them time and again.

Reality: Those who can look into a mirror and see a ‘Halo of Wisdom’ above their heads, should inspect above the mirror for defective lighting.

Reference: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200923-why-arrogance-is-dangerously-contagious

Political Pandering and Patronage Produce Pakistan’s Perilous Pilots

Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority [PCAA] and the International Air Transportation Association [IATA] have announced that many of the country’s commercial airline pilots are potentially perilous. They have been flying for Pakistan’s various airlines while having fraudulent backgrounds, education, and experience, to qualify as Commercial Pilots.

Pandering and patronage might be socially acceptable behavior elsewhere, to induce a superior to do a favor. These particular misguidedly-approved Pilots’ Licenses had a deadly outcome in Pakistan. The PCAA in examining the evidence surrounding a airline, found fraudulent credentials of the cockpit crew. The Karachi crash killed 97 people.

Pakistan’s 860 pilots have approximately 200+ individuals with dubious bona fides of ‘holographic veracity’ one would analyze. Now, the PCAA is sorting through the ‘Information Swamp’ trying to determine who is actually qualified to fly commercial aircraft in Pakistan.

We find it incredible that such charades in Pilot Licensing have been occurring so long; endangering the public. Also, jeopardizing other innocent crew members, ground crews, and overflown residents [who might have a airplane crash into their homes].

We think a more Draconian methodology should be applied to governments which do not properly ‘vett’ their aircraft professionals: Immediately, upon finding ‘Systemic Abuse’, act; i.e., Prohibit other airlines from being able to fly to the offender nation. The economic travail of ‘No Freight-No Passengers’ entering a country is a necessary wake-up call for all. For a numerically lesser situation: Ground a airline’s aircraft in the particular country where it it headquartered.

This situation in Pakistan is equivalent to the U.S. Airframe who, in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Administration [FAA] were going to train pilots on their I-Pads! [Beyond airframe idiocy (so the it could make greater profits)].

We think it is time to stop ‘patronage’, as shown in mediocrity of qualifications [especially in learning to fly a commercial aircraft via I-Pad]. It is far too dangerous to the public. Citizens deserve better safety; they also deserve government bureaucrats [here, there, and everywhere] with integrity, not ‘bribees’.

Reality: It is much easier for all “Pertinent Parties” within an industry, to ‘fly straight’ than to have to clean up disasters, created by Fools.

Reference: https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/677631-150-pia-pilots-grounded-after-report-finds-40-possess-fake-licenses

Good News For Airlines Is Terrible News For Commercial Composite Aircraft Marketing Departments

News Analysis: The ‘Fantasy’ Projections of $200.00 for barrels of petroleum, in the world market,  touted by some Airframe Executives are rapidly becoming non-sensical to Alert International Businessmen. That which is good news for airlines is terrible news for composite commercial aircraft marketing departments.

Lower oil price directions make effete their arguments for spending hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase lighter aircraft to save some aviation fuel (as the fuel gets consistently less expensive). To exacerbate the possible threat to airline financial health, the “$200.00 Per Barrel Of Oil Myth” was created and distributed by the Airframes’ Minions, the Mass Media.

The aforementioned lower price direction gains credibility as American Oil, Brazilian Oil, Egyptian Oil, Gulf States, Iranian Oil, Iraq Oil, Levant Oil, Libyan Oil, Saudi Arabia, Siberian Oil, Venezuelan Oil, and others become available in the world market.  The greater abundance of petroleum will allow refiners of Aviation Fuels to offer lower prices to the airlines. Ergo, why buy  “Lightweight Commercial Composite Aircraft” for hundreds of billions of dollars? Additionally, Aircraft Engine makers are striving to make their products more fuel efficient.

As new Commercial Aircraft become available from manufacturers in China, India, and Russia, their engineers will have had the good fortune to utilize the best elements of other aircraft manufacturers’ designs to incorporate; and, to forgo questionable elements such as all composite construction.  All Metal Aircraft, as proven through many decades in Aviation endures. They will be employing, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, and Titanium, so the flying public will have the ultimate in safety in the skies. The lower fuel prices might even make their Airlines Tickets less expensive as an added benefit!

The Wisdom of the Saudis is to be commended, for they can see the direction  Petroleum Technology is headed towards extracting more oil throughout the world.


Reference: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/13/us-oil-saudi-policy-idUSKCN0I201Y20141013

Employees Refuse To Fly On Composite Commercial Aircraft They Built

Due to a myriad of reasons, primarily pertaining to design, manufacturing, and quality issues, it is alleged that the composite aircraft, employees are building, are inherently unsafe. Ergo,

Employees Refuse To Fly On Composite Commercial Aircraft they built. The uniqueness of their on-camera declarations is almost unheard of in the heavily manipulated American Press. One of the reasons is that this particular Airframe is the largest dollar exporter of American goods in the world. It has been reported widely that approximately $20,000,000.00 of government credits PER PLANE are given to this manufacturer at the Federal, State, and Local Government levels.

The fact  the Engineers and Assemblers have such negative views of this composite construction should give Airline Executives time to ponder if they have been sold “Pigs in a poke”. The world flying public might also want to consider ALL aspects of what these employees have said, prior to booking flights on airlines so equipped with composite commercial aircraft. They may want to consider metal aircraft, which have lengthy histories to them.

It has been widely reported,  Airframe Executives, a few years back,  planning to retire, wanted the price of their Common Stock “Nest Eggs” to be lofty. By promoting Composite Commercial Aircraft as being lighter and presumably using less fuel as a result, airlines would ‘bite the bait’; they did. Considerations of de-lamination, safety in a emergency landing, airframe longevity, etc. were of little concern to these executives. These elements would interplay AFTER they had retired.

The “Bottom-line” scenario for many Airframe Executives is that if one of their aircraft crash, they have insurance, nothing more. Grieving for the victims and their families is not “Proper Corporate Culture”.

The Airframe Employees however, are well aware of such attitudes. You may want to listen to the Engineers and Assemblers. You may have already heard from the Marketing/Sales types wearing suits. But it appears that the Engineers and Assemblers have their legitimate reasons for refusing to fly on Composite Commercial Aircraft [which they built].


Reference: http://tinyurl.com/pfu7wtx