Plant Trees, Create Forests = Increase Rain, In Areas Of Drought

A simple examination of the contribution of trees to man’s existence demonstrates profound benefits. The “Tree/Forest/Rain” cycle for one, can alter desert environs into water availability areas for agricultural production. We, in International Business, can envisage the long-term benefits to investors who buy ‘cheap’ unproductive land and eventually gain fertile acreage [ profitable assets]. As an example of the transformation, of which we speak, China is a splendid example of the transformation of desert acreage manipulated into forested areas. The wise Chinese leaders, former President Hu and current President Xi, have emphasized such positive projects. This process can be copied over to other areas of the globe.

In Brazil, the moisture off the Atlantic ocean, moves into the existing forests and transpiration from the trees adds to the cloud formations and rain. Trees planted in dry areas to the south of the Amazon basis add to this water production cycle. The hydrologic cycle is maintained with forests.

The added benefit of tree planting are at least twofold: Trees convert Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen which helps man. Per the Arbor Day Foundation: “In one year a mature tree will absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen in exchange”. Secondly, trees provide shade which helps cool inhabited areas. This is very important in assisting the lesser use of electricity to cool residences thereabout. As we have written before, Israeli scientists have shown: “Palm Trees use up to 1,000 liters [265 gallons] of water a day, yet provide no shade.” We think precious water is far more important that ‘fashionable foliage’, even to the unthinking, ‘Progressive’ business owners and homeowners. Eventually, as climate change increases droughts in certain areas, Palm Trees must be removed and replaced with shade trees of less thirst; A ‘Green Action of proven value’.

In cities, a lesser, but still important assist provided by trees is: sound reduction offered by their trunks, branches, and leaves. Acoustic energy created by automobiles, noisy motorcycles, and trucks have their transmission flows diminished in contact with the aforementioned tree components. This transfer from kinetic to potential energy, although not profound, does aid residential areas in being quieter.

We think investors may want to consider acquisition of, or investment in, tree growing companies, which are located throughout the world. As people become more aware of the aforementioned benefits of trees, and their lands become barren, they will want to plant trees for the many benefits provided. For a long-term investment, trees planted makes a sound financial choice as it adds to rainfall production in drought areas. What is that worth to land investors?

In areas such as Russia’s Siberia, with its splendid forests, tree planting is not required. In ‘Oil Rich’ countries such as ‘Saudi Arabia’, tree planting could transform much of the country into a lower temperature area, so its citizens would enjoy comfort in the Summer; this King Salman might want to consider. Any added rainfall would certainly be welcomed by the flora of Saudi Arabia.

Drought reduction, through tree planting, is we think, a very inexpensive, ‘Green’, Oxygen-producing methodology. Some people say: “It is often over-looked since it is not ‘exotic’ [no ‘sizzle’ (no ‘bells and whistles’)]. This may be true. However, we who are ‘older’ realize: “Quiet efficiency outshines a noisy treadmill [which demands exertion but goes nowhere].”

Reality: The “Man Upstairs” produced so many trees, He just allows Men who appreciate his Wisdom, to plant some more.


Dubrovnik, Croatia To Sofia, Bulgaria: 400 Miles Apart Geographically, Yet Vastly Different In Crime Rates [As To The Other Nations Also]

It is interesting to comprehend how people can be so close to each other, yet so varied as to some of their behaviors. The excellent “Eurostat’s: ‘Crime, Violence, Or Vandalism In The Local Area” Report illustrates this reality. The reported crime in Croatia is listed at ‘2.7% of total population in 2019’ and in Bulgaria [Europe’s highest rated reporting percentage] is ‘20.2%’ which is almost ‘ten times’ as great [generally speaking].

We, in International Business, have engaged citizens of the aforementioned countries, as well as all members of the European Union [E.U.]. The ‘World View’ we have developed, over many years, is no different for our European friends. That is to say: “It is not the people of a country that may be problematic in business, it may be just the behaviors of a few that we question. Even then, those same people may be totally acceptable to engage ‘on a different day’?”

The wide disparity in reported crime levels: for example of Greece [16.9%] to neighboring Italy [9.4%] is easier to comprehend than some of the other nations’ rates. Italy has manufacturing in Aircraft, Automobiles, Ships [all of international renown]; Greece has none. The able Greeks, having had leaders of non-remarkable abilities, since World War II, and are now mired in National Economic debt of an estimated $400,000,000,000.00+/-. We think, this has been due to: Extremely poor choices in spending [especially in Military Hardware procurement]; Lack of direction to gain manufacturing prowess for greater employment of its citizenry; A public ethos of ‘Tax Evasion Is Our Salvation’ [at all levels of society].

Greece has: “location, location, location”, second-to-none of its European neighbors, [as the wise Chinese realize and are availing themselves for commerce]; exploitable mineral resources; great weather, Superb ‘Kalamata’ Olives; a very intelligent citizenry. These all bode well for it. Perhaps, the present Greeks Leaders, will show “business acumen” ‘by the bootstraps’, and thus, make Greece a ‘Commercial Manufacturing Entity’, as Italy has been, since the exact same time-frame. And most importantly of all: WITHOUT EXCUSES BY GREEK LEADERS, AS TO WHY THIS IS NOT BEING DONE FOR THEIR CITIZENS! Greek Leadership needs, ‘unowned’ impartial advisors for significant results.

We hope that the tie-up for electrical power transmission from Israel to Europe, through Greece, may have a benefit to the Greeks. The Israelis understand International Commerce and are well-respected for market products, as such. Maybe, Greeks can learn from the Israelis what to do, in that regard? Also, Greece’s tie-up with a strong leader, as is Abdel Fatah el-Sisi, of Egypt, to Gas and Oil projects, will gain it additional revenue.

Coronavirus [CV19] should have demonstrated to the Greeks, that their 20%+/- of national income being derived from tourism, is a ‘weak brother’ to have to rely on. Small virions can destroy the ‘Hospitality Industry’ forthwith.

We think the leaderships of Hungary [5.3%] and Poland [4.4%] evidence what can be done to minimize miscreant actors behavior and keep crime rates low. In both countries, strong leadership, decried by some weak leaders elsewhere, provides a ethos for their citizens of “RESPECT”. Both Leaders, are what we would deem to be “Internationalists”, not ‘Globalists’; this attitude we praise. These Gentlemen want the very best for their citizens [an admirable trait]. The European Union Leaders should think about Belgium [13.3%], (where the E.U. is headquartered) when they decide to deride Hungary’s and Poland’s leadership.

Reality: “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” come about in nations with ‘Strong Leadership’ guiding a ‘Principled Public’.


WATER: As Precious As Gold Or Oil, Yet People Being “Fashionable”, Allow Their Palm Trees To Drink It Up Insatiably

As many tourists visit Arizona, California, and/or Nevada, they are amazed at the vast number and variety of Palm Trees growing in these water deprived states. With Palm Trees being estimated by some ‘Tree Evaluators’ at numbers of 1,000,000+ in those states, collectively, we ask: “Beyond aesthetics, what functional duties do Palm Trees provide?” The many ‘shortcomings’ of Palm Trees, beyond their visual appeal, should be understood by those who consider themselves to be: “Climate Conscious”, “Conservationists”, “Environmentalists”, “Gaiaists”, “Greens” or “What-Have-Yous”.

Californians decided to import approximately 25,000 Palm Trees into Los Angeles for the July, 1932 Olympic Games. Tens of thousands of additional trees have been planted throughout Southern California, since 1932. At the time, water shortages were unique to the ‘locals’; but not now.

As for Nevada, Benjamin Siegel, thought the trees would be aesthetically correct for his new “Flamingo” Casino/Hotel in Las Vegas; other Casino-Hoteliers soon followed. Today, Clark County Nevada, [of which Las Vegas is one municipality therein], has approximately 6,000 Palm Trees it owns; this is in addition to the estimated over 400,000 planted throughout the County by residents and commercial developers.

Arizona, of which the Phoenix area, in particular, was developed into a winter oasis for ‘Businessmen and their families, from the Mid-West and East Coast’ at approximately the same time Mr. Siegel was developing Las Vegas. The Palm Trees were viewed, as today, as being quite ‘fashionable’ and exotic [Rabat, Morocco, perhaps]. It has thousands of Palm Trees in its Valley of the Sun.

Beyond the aforementioned ‘Aesthetic’ intentions of Landscape Architects, are the shortcomings of Palm Trees; those being accentuated in grave scale in certain geographies by a lack of water availability. When one realizes the ‘gargantuan’ thirst of these ‘pencil bodied’ flora, and multiplies it be the sheer number of such trees in the Southwest United States, one may shudder.

Israeli Agronomists have performed years of tests on Palm Trees and have stated in many publications, their findings: These trees consume up to 1,000 liters {264 U.S. gallons} of water a day! [‘Gargantuan’ thirst indeed!] If one merely uses the 25,000 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles number of Palm trees times 264 Gallons of water per day, one acheives 6,600,000+/- gallons (25,000,000 liters) of water being consumed PER DAY! Farmers in the San Joaquin Valley will shudder, at their possible loss.

Another shortcoming of Palm Trees, particularly in hot environments is “Heat Island Effect”; that is, a thermal build-up by buildings, homes, and roadways of radiated energy from the Sun [as well as by vehicles, et al in urban areas]. Palm trees provide ‘next to NO SHADE’, so it is estimated it and the lack of significant transpiration by such trees [not adding moisture to the air] have at most a -17.22 degrees C (1.0 degree F) reduction is urban area heat. Typical shade trees being planted, also provide much greater transpiration to the environment. The results vary: from lowering air temperatures -15 degrees C (5 degrees F) to wide-spread shade tree applications in city centers, temperature reductions of -12.77 degrees C (9.0 degrees F). These results have been measured in many cities in America! Kilowatt savings are too great to ignore in that less electricity is needed to cool structures when ambient weather is ‘hot’. Carbon usage drops dramatically through Shade Tree efficiencies.

A further ‘deficiency’ in Palm Trees, as to the environment in urban areas is the lack of meaningful “Acoustic Attentuation” vis-a-vis automobiles, noisy motorcycles, and trucks; as well as other noise sources. The aforementioned ‘Pencil Bodied’ configuration, dearth of significant branches and leaves, provide no meaningful mechanical barriers to acoustic waves being generated by the noise sources.

As International Businessmen, we try to pay attention to everything possible: All actions and events up-front, and/or those down-stream will interconnect in varying capacities (as many are homologous). As we consult to others or invest for ourselves, we constantly strive to find synergies that are possible or probable, but most of all reasonable; our expenditures of time constitute [a most unreplenshable commodity (as to farmers of the world, is Water)]. Replacing Palm Trees With Shade Trees would help to mitigate some ill-effects of Climate Change.

Reality: At times, aesthetics immediacy of reward, to one’s psyche, can produce financial costs of long term, to one’s pocketbook.


Strong National Leaders List For 2020

As International Businessmen, we communicate at various times, with citizens of the approximately 200 countries in the world; this, through visitations primarily, and also telephonically. Over the years we have found that a person’s body language, including eye behaviors and voice pitch, amplitude, and word frequency says ‘volumes’. Such data is not available in mere ‘E-Mails’; Face-To-Face is best for privacy also.

In assessing Nations’ leaders, we want to know, above the standard economic data of a country [readily accessible on many formats], what the citizens think of their leaders. For accuracy,  close contact is required. Due to the fact many of us have nurtured many long-term business relationships with these citizens, honest discussions, without fear nor favor, take place.  Our Motto is: Tell it to us as it is; we deal with realities, not Main Stream Media (MSM) Holograms.

For this year of 2020, we have determined some Leaders, have performed exceptionally well; this, as judged by Current Economic Data [unfortunately, in part influenced by CV19], and by their citizens views of them. As an example, those listed did not suffer from “‘Politicians’ CV 19 FLU Pandemic Panic” and shut down their countries economies, as others have done; this at a cost the other leaders will not want to disclose to their citizenry.

We do not agree with all of their decisions our listed Leaders made, this year; nor do the other list Leaders agree with each other. However, the important concept to keep in mind: These Leaders LEAD, in spite of ridicule by political competitors, MSM, or other hegemonic countries leaders [or their nefarious ‘Agencies’]. They try to do their very best for their country: Culturally, Economically, Politically, and Socially; Patriots They Are.

We hope that all other Nations will have their leaders excel so that efficient International Business can prevail in 2021 and beyond; this with  “Internationalist”, not “Globalist” agendas.

The following Leaders [by Continent/Country], we are of the opinion, have shown strength of Character, Intellect, Integrity, and perhaps most of all, Wisdom.


Xi Jinping– China

Narendra Moti – India

Joko Widodo – Indonesia

Rodrigo Duterte – Philippines


Boris Johnson– England

Emmanuel Macron – France

Viktor Orban – Hungary

Prince Albert – Monaco

Vladimir Putin– Russia

Middle East:

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi – Egypt

Benjamin Netanyahu – Israel

King Salman – Saudi Arabia

Recep Tayyip Erdogan – Turkey

North America:

Donald Trump – United States of America

South America:

Jair Bolsonaro – Brazil

Luis Lacalle Pou – Uruguay

Best of Good Health, Good Luck, and Continued Wisdom to each, for the remainder of 2020, and in the coming years.

☆ Israeli Monetary Visibility Techniques Seek To Catch Hidden Wealth Caches

News Analysis: Israeli Monetary Visibility Techniques Seek To Catch Hidden Wealth Caches by converting “Cash Payment Systems” (CPS)  to “Electronic Payment Systems” (EPS). The fact that ‘EPS’ retain recoverable details in Computer Memory Caches allows Government Authorities to find questionable transactions. It is estimated by Israeli Authorities that One Quarter of the Israeli Economy is “Black Capital”; a prodigious amount of money.

Israel in 2012 had a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) amount of approximately $248 Billion Dollars. Per Capita the amount was $32,200.00. The Country’s Taxes and other Revenues amounted to 31.6 % of ‘GDP’. Personal Income Tax Rates go to 50%. Passive Income Rates go up to 50%. A National Insurance Tax of up to 12% is also required.

As long as there are an inordinate number of Male Adults receiving Israeli Government Stipends (while other Israelis have to contribute to the ‘GDP’ of the country) the feeling of the Taxpayers of being mere ‘Freiers’ is very understandable. That many Taxpayers of Israel are engaged in ‘Black Capital’ should not be a surprise; they are disgusted about the “Free Lunches”. Their Tolerance of the other aforementioned Israelis who are “Dining at the Public Trough” for so many decades is the element that is difficult to comprehend, many people say; ‘Meshuga’.



Israel Proposes Tax Transparency

News Analysis: Israel proposes Tax Transparency for its wealthy Citizens and Corporations. The new law, if adopted, would reveal allegedly Hundreds of Billions of Dollars in “Black Capital” secreted in Foreign Accounts. Tax information obtained by the Israeli Government might be exchanged with Foreign Government Tax Officials.

This Bill, which is described as an “…Earthquake for Israeli business and wealthy individuals….” advises those with hidden funds to immediately acknowledge such to Israeli Tax Authorities. In doing so, some more rigorous actions may not be taken against the Depositors by the Israeli Government.

There are NO Long Term Secrets.



Israel Proposes Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) For Its Neighbors: Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey

News Analysis:  A Wise Business Strategy by Israeli Commercial Interests is the Vessel Shipping of  Compressed Natural Gas ‘CNG’ to those countries rather than by Undersea Pipelines.  Natural Gas Reserves in Israeli Waters are substantial and  Israel can afford to sell to those Countries ‘CNG’ at a heavily discounted price; this from Current Liquefied Natural Gas being sold today. The Negation of Pipelines in the Delivery Process bodes well for large projected costs savings for the corporations involved.

Due to the fact that Territorial Issues for Undersea Pipelines are not an element in this Business Model, much Time can be saved in the Delivery Process by using  ‘CNG’ Ships.

Innovative Thinking can go a long way towards producing Substantial Profits for those who are in Business.

The World Belongs to the Aggressive.



Fiji to Receive Agronomy Advice from Israel

News Analysis: The Israelis are very adept in Agriculture Technologies. It is helpful to have them share their thoughts about crops, soils, etc. with those in Fiji who may benefit.  Farming technology, wherever created, can help transfer “Increased Production” methodologies to the people of the planet, as well. Thusly, the ‘students’ may be more adept in crop growth as well as environment protection systems.
