Chinese Discovery of America in About 2000 B.C. Gets More D.N.A. Support

News Analysis: Chinese Discovery of America in about 2000 B.C. gets more D.N.A. support per Anthropologists studying the matter since the Ancient Writings of both the discovery as well as the Exploration of some of America, by Chinese Maritimers, are reinforced by D.N.A. Sampling.

“The Chinese got to America around 2000 BC, and that they are the ancestors of the Native Americans. The D.N.A. types of the Native Americans are all found in Han Chinese….”

Chinese who decided to remain in America, studied the Flora and Fauna of the area as some hiked over a thousand miles in their explorations. Their descriptions of the terrain allegedly match current Topographies in the area.

Such exploration of America by the Chinese, although VERY SELDOM discussed, is analogous to the Ancient Greeks and their Exploration of Central Africa. “Technology Transfer” of the earliest type occurred from the Africans to the Greeks and vice versa. Astronomic data which the Greeks could not attain due to their more Northerly Latitude was given to them by the Africans. Also, Pharmacologic Information on Indigenous African Plants was provided (as were the harvested plants). The Knowledge of the Greeks, particularly in Science was passed to the African Tribes in exchange. Those who have studied Ancient Africa are aware of these transactions.

A Dichotomy exists between the colossal amount of information about Ancient Egypt and the Dearth of information about Central Africa, its ‘Cousin’ to its South. Yet, these relationships which took place in Ancient Africa,  are  ‘Hidden in the Depths’ by certain “Other Parties” for reasons one can only speculate.

The China/America Relationship is much like the Greek/Central Africa Interface: Both have been largely ignored by Vested Interests. Reality.
