Global Warming Impacts Russia

News Analysis: Global Warming impacts Russia in various ways. Consider the Positive: The Russians adaptation to this change may provide them with Financial Opportunities Galore in this “Land of Plenty”. To wit: Shrinking Ice Levels in the Arctic Ocean allow for a greater number of Vessels and Faster Ship Travel from Europe to Asia and vice versa; Warmer waters should bring additional species of fish into the area for harvesting; Surface Mining, for smaller operations in particular, may be enhanced by the lack of ice in many areas; New methods in Agronomy might allow for Short Season Farming where Perma-frost is abating; Investors might also consider investing in “River Craft” Boat Yards. Siberian Transportation by this method will become more advantageous; due to both lack of ice in certain areas as well as higher water levels thereon.

Investors, who might consider Siberian Opportunities must take a point of view that: “The Drinking Glass is ‘Half-Full’; rather than ‘Half-Empty'”. That Concept, in conjunction with “Thinking Outside The Box”, Due Diligence, Adequate Capitalization, and Tenacity will lead them to Financial Success in Russia. The World Belongs to the Aggressive.
