Small, But Powerful Barriers To Viruses Are Developed At Scripps Research In San Diego, California

A somewhat varied approach to fighting viruses has been developed by the researchers, at the prestigious medical entity “Scripps Research”. The methodology is similar to preventing ‘A gang of insidious Martial Artists’ from physically attacking their victims, by ‘others’ mightily holding onto the attackers; therefore, they cannot make significant contacts with their quarry. As such, the attackers’ methodologies are thwarted and they become effete as to being threats to their victims.

Researchers at Scripps discovered significant ‘strong’ antibodies in blood of patients who had the CV-19 Virus. By isolating some of the ‘capable’ antibodies and growing them in cultures, replications have been successful. Animal testing of these ‘products’ appear to show great promise against viruses; For, the viruses are ‘blocked’ and cannot hook themselves into ‘host cells’ [as in the normal course of events].

We can appreciate the advanced ideation that went into seeking such strong antibodies. Utilizing them as barriers to viral entry into cells is excellent. One can reasonably surmise: Increasing the incremental energy needed by the viral cell to thwart the antibody barrier is not going to occur; at least not with the current iteration in this CV-19 Influenza.

Scripps Researchers, who think ‘outside the box’, deserve congratulations for their work. Their labor, ‘one discerned “unique” antibody at a time’, can have global anti-epidemicologic utility for humanity.

Reality: Their is nothing on Earth that man can experience, that eventually, he cannot thoroughly understand.
