Qantas Airline’s Ticket Payment Innovation Benefits Its Customers

News Analysis: Innovative thinking by airlines such as Qantas can produce additional customers for them to serve. The new ticket payment process offered by Qantas is laudable.

Airline executives should realize: “Loyalty is a Two-way Street.” One must give it in order to receive it from customers. All too often, in order to satisfy shareholders, everything is done to cut all costs to maximize profits in the ‘short run’. Airline customers loathe this behavior since it is they who get the results: Discomfort in seating, lost luggage, poor or non-existent meals, poor service, and, tardy flights. These shortcomings hardly induce a feeling for loyalty to the airline. Long term maximized profits are brought about with satisfied returning customers.  They are willing to pay reasonable fares and who, as result of good treatment, select upgraded classes.
