Illogical Logic Makes for Preposterously Expensive Bomber Projects

News Analysis: Illogical Logic Makes For Preposterously Expensive Bomber Projects is based on U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Ignoring The National Security Agency’s (NSA) and National Reconnaissance Organization’s (NRO) Proven Capabilities. The adage of old: “A War is Won or Lost Before It Begins” applies in this case.

NSA and NRO monitor both the  Communications and Whereabouts of EVERYONE ON THE PLANET who utilize Electronic Information Exchange (as widely reported in the world media).

Ergo, THERE SHOULD BE NOTHING planned by an Enemy that the U.S. Government would Not be Aware. This apparently has been the case for Decades! As such, Preemptive Air Strikes with Drones could counter EARLY ON Belligerent Behavior of Enemies. Preceding that, communications with the Hostiles could occur (letting them be advised to “Cease and Desist” since their plans are known). Only Fools would proceed under such a warning. If they did anyway, the Drones could De-Activate them.

The Key to Successful Warfare is Correct Anticipation of an Enemy’s Behavior and then Neutralizing his Physical Engagement Capabilities. The United States obviously has the Information Flow from Around the World. All it has to do is correctly assess one’s Intentions and Abilities;  then act accordingly.

The existing Inventory of B-52s, B1Bs, and B2 Bombers are more than sufficient if used in Conjunction with the Present “Early Warning System” provided by  U.S. Intelligence Systems; which are Second To None,  people say.

Since Air Force Planners are always historically  asking for Preposterously Expensive Weapon Systems, Who REALLY BENEFITS from the Public Expenditure: Defense Contractors (who employ former Air Force Generals), many people think. Unfortunately this Vested-Interest Situation(s) occurs at a horrendous cost to hard working Taxpayers.

Those in Washington, D.C. are very proud of the Performance of their “WORLD SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM”(WSS), at an alleged cost of $100 Billion Dollars +/- a Year.

It is interesting to note that the Air Force does not publicly Extol the Virtues of this ‘WSS”; perhaps since it Defuses its argument for the ‘ACTUAL NEED’ for New Bombers.

Since the United States’ Intelligence Goliath works Superbly, Everyone should realize the Chance of an “ACTUAL” ‘Sneak Attack’ on America is as likely as “Catching a ‘Yeti’ in a Butterfly Net”. Reality.


The NRO Octopus States World Reality

News Analysis: The Octopus States World Reality about the U.S. National Reconnaissance Agency (NRO): It does What it Wants; When it Wants; Where It Wants. The Candor is Refreshing for this type of Activity.  All too often, the “Naïve of the World” did not seek to understand Intelligence Capabilities of Super Powers (nor did the People care). Since recent Lack of Privacy Revelations have been Disclosed and Debated throughout the World, the Naïve are starting to pay attention. The fact that EVERYONE ON EARTH has Less Privacy Today, than in the Past, should concern All.  

The fact that the ‘NRO’ has gone “Public” with its Logo, can be praised for being Forthright about its Ideology of World Espionage as well its Actual Capabilities on Earth; Honesty at Last!

