Drivers Should Never “Be In A Fog” When Driving Automobiles In A Fog

News Analysis: Coastal areas, throughout the World, like Abu Dhabi,  may be subject to increasing levels of fog due to Climate Change, many Weather Experts theorize. If so, it behooves ALL DRIVERS of automobiles to use extra caution and to wisely drive at speeds  less than their restricted visibility allows. The unfortunate fact is that globally, “Fog Accidents” usually consist of many vehicles being involved (not just Two).  

Beyond the requirement of driving slower in the Fog, is also the need for Extreme Attentiveness. All of one’s senses have to be focused on the immediate surroundings of the vehicle.  Automobile side windows should be opened a little so Exterior Sounds of approaching vehicles or motorcycles can be heard. Audio should be turned off (for the same reason). Interior dashboard lights should be dimmed for better outside visibility as well.  Most of all, the Driver and any passengers should remain alert so they are not “In A Fog” when driving in the Fog.

A Tortoise can Safely reach its Destination in the Fog; a Hare might Not.

