Alaskan Citizens Commence Secession Drive To Cede State of Alaska To Russia

News Analysis: Alaskan Citizens Commence Secession Drive To Cede State of Alaska To Russia perhaps evidencing an angst felt about Current U.S. Government Leaders. It seems to be the case that Independent Alaskans think that Washington, D.C. is littered with incapable Politicians throughout. These “D.C. Masters of the Universe” who attended Law Schools: Surreptitiously cause unrest in other countries; Create new stifling regulations for Americans (such as the current ‘Lie’ Health Care); Raise the National Debt up to $18 Trillion Dollars (with no means to pay it off); and, Exude personal Self-Interest in their deliberations.

If, as some claim, Alaskans are deluding themselves by thinking Secession could actually occur, at least it evidences that  the ‘Citizens of the North’ are aware of the Effete Governance in Washington, D.C.; perhaps even more so than those “Sheep” existing in the Lower 48.  

